Otaku Talk! – Episode 1: The Tangential Pilot


The first episode of Otaku Talk A.E.G., the tentative title for our NEWEST PODCAST EVER, is live! Not much focus here boys and girls, the loose show “topic” is the Adult Swim revolution, or basically how we got introduced to the world of anime. Mickey Mouse, Pokemon with the right to bear arms, and stay tuned afterwords for some bonus interperative dance about FLCL and Bobobobobobobo. Don’t ask.

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One Response

  1. You guys need a comment so here it is. Sweet podcast! Love the conversations about first anime (though it is a confession of beginnings). First anime was Zoids, followed by Rurouni Kenshin. I never was into Pokemon, Digimon, or anything like that when i was much younger. Just straight up Looney Toons. Gundam Wing was introduced to me by Dan … and another friend. Awesome show!! Can’t wait to hear more.

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